
The Origin Of Como Se Hacen Los Muffins


Whether visiting a nearby coffee shop or a local patisserie, you will most likely see plenty of delicious options for muffins. These are baked products that almost everyone likes. The texture, and the fluffiness, all count for their popularity. From children to adults, all crave to eat this scrumptious sweet tooth treat. In addition, the muffins esponjosos of any type spread a nice aroma that sets them apart from other baked goodies. 

The best way to have muffins is to serve them hot. The rounded, sweet bread is small in size, with various choices. The word ‘muffins’ originated from the French word ‘moufflet’. This word particularly associates the baked foods which are soft. But sadly, muffins did not come from France. The American and British speciality food contributes to the birth of muffins. 

There are two types of muffins – the American version and the British version. And the fascinating thing about them is that they differ in the Como Hacer muffins process. The two versions undoubtedly are comparable in terms of history and taste. To get the taste of classic muffins, look into La Receta Facil for engaging and guided recipes.

 Muffins Of British

The British muffins are hollow from the inside and have a great top. It was first discovered long before in the 10th century by the Welsh family. In the middle Ages, people baked them in a ring-shaped mould specially built for muffin dough to cook them directly over a hot pan or stove. 

The British people started baking them in the early 19th century. The Victorian young men used to sell them on special carts ringing bells that attracted customers. Young and old liked them having them for afternoon tea sessions. 

 Muffins of America

American muffins greatly vary as they look like bread baked in muffin pans. It is because they use better, not dough, for muffin making. Later on, in the 18th century, the baking process involved baking powder which is relevant till now. 

Muffin varieties are numerous, and their popularity will continue till humans crave delicious types like magdalenas muffins. So, dig into the world of good food recipes with La Receta Facil, as they have the best categories of assisted cooking with tips and advice.

Paul Watson

The author Paul Watson